Haakmeester, Hendrik [705]
Hendrik, goes to America in 1903 at the age of 21, arriving on Nov. 17, 1903.Newpaper clipping, undated and unattributed. Internal evidence suggeststhat it was written for publication on 12 May, 1954. Clearly a localnewspaper in Orange County (New York).Headline: "Slate Hill Residents Guests at Golden Anniversary Dinner""Fifty years ago yesterday a young Dutch immigrant who had been in thiscountry six months married his childhood sweetheart on the very day ofher arrival in New York City from Holland. Hendrik Haakmeester andJohanna Marie Hoogeveen who were married May 11, 1904, by a clergymanprovided by immigration authorities, were honored last night at a buffetsupper at the YMCA in celebration of their golden wedding anniversary."Mr. Haakmeester, was born in Holland, July second, 1882, the son ofMartin and Trina Zlemaker Haakmeester, and 21 years later entered theUnited States as an immigrant. Mrs. Haakmeester was born in HollandJan. 25, 1885, the daughter of John and Derkje Westma."The newly married couple settled in Passaic, N. J., where Haakmeesterwas employed installing metal ceilings. Fine years later, they builttheir own home in Clifton, N. J., where they lived for 20 years. Theybecame naturalized citizens of the United States Feb. 19, 1919."Mr. Haakmeester quit his work as a metal contractor in 1929 and onApril first of that year bought a farm in Hamptonburgh and he and hiswife became farmers. They retired from farming in 1945 and moved toMiddletown, where they remained for seven years. For the past few yearsthe Haakmeesters have been living in Slate Hill, where Mr. Haakmeesterassists his son, Henry, with his farm work.Permission from Queen"Mr. Haakmester served for a year in the Netherlands Army before he cameto the United States. After a year's service, he was required to remainin a reserve corps for seven years. To enable him to come to thiscountry, he received a special dispensation from Queen Wilhelmina ofHolland."The Haakmeesters have three sons, Henry and John of Slate Hill andPeter of Campbell Hall; two daughters, Mrs. Martin Bast of RD One,Middletown and Mrs. William Fritzsch of 56 Washington street,Middletown; and 17 grandchildren. Five children are deceased."Mr. Haakmeester enjoys weaving baskets for a hobby, likes to do anymasonry work requiredat his son's farm, and assists his son with work inthe barn. Mrs. Haakmeester crochets and does all her own housekeeping."Relatives from Middletown, Slate hill, Campbell Hall, New Hampton andPassaic, Sussex, Clifton, and Fairlawn , N. J., attended the celebrationat the YMCA last night. (Bron: Robert Reeves) ![]()
1. Social Security Number (USA): 056-22-0850. ![]() Hendrik trouwde met Johanna Maria Hoogeveen [716] [MRIN: 248], dochter van Johannes Hoogeveen [3133] en Dirkje Westmaas [3134], op 11 Mei 1904 in New York City USA. (Johanna Maria Hoogeveen [716] werd geboren op 25 Januari 1885 in Zevenhuizen Zuid Holland Netherlands en overleed in Maart 1974 in Goshen Orange County New York USA.) |
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