Zeilmaker, Trijntje Catharina [703]
(1852-Omstr 1917) |
Zeilmaker, Trijntje Catharina [703]
So you can see that Trijntje was just pregnant with Maartje when Maarten died. Now it gets interesting. Trijntje marries a brother of Maarten: Johannes who was born on 12 May 1864 and he died on 29 November 1903. I don't think that they hadany children together but I can't confirm that.Trijntje, Pieter and Maartje arrive in New York on October 10, 1910. They list their last address in the Netherlands as living with her son , Gerrit Haakmeester in the town of Staphorst.They are going to Hendrik's residence at: unreadable address number but the street listed is "Burger Palace", Passaic, New Jersey. ![]() Trijntje trouwde met Maarten Haakmeester [699] [MRIN: 244], zoon van Martinus Haakmeester [451] en Martina Elizabeth Brugman [666], op 28 Augustus 1879 in Vledder. (Maarten Haakmeester [699] werd geboren op 11 Oktober 1854 in Frederiksoord Vledder Drenthe Netherlands en overleed op 10 Januari 1893 in Frederiksoord Vledder Drenthe Netherlands.) |
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