Haakmeester, Maartje [710]
Trijntje, Pieter and Maartje arrive in New York on October 10, 1910. They list their last address in the Netherlands as living with her son , Gerrit Haakmeester in the town of Staphorst.They are going to Hendrik's residence at: unreadable address number but the street listed is "Burger Palace", Passaic, New Jersey.In the U.S., Maartje married Haarman de Jong (Herman DeYoung) born Friesland, son of Jan de Jong and Grietje Bergsma. Maartje & Haarman settled in New Jersey and had four children: Grace, Trina, John & Jean. ![]() Maartje trouwde met Herman De Jong - De Young [730] [MRIN: 255]. (Herman De Jong - De Young [730] werd geboren op 14 Mei 1892 in Smallingerland.) |
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